The considerable value of a collaborative culture within the ecosystem
Since its inception, In-Sec-M has clearly identified the considerable value of a collaborative culture within the ecosystem to in particular drive innovation and overcome complex technological challenges in the cybersecurity field.
By building bridges and promoting connectivity, In-Sec-M intends to play a catalytic role in supporting healthy competitiveness in terms of innovation and thus contribute to economicgrowth around creative projects beneficial to the entire ecosystem and across the country.
From applied research which involves both the academic world and industry players to inter-company technological partnerships allowing expertise and resources to be combined to develop more efficient solutions and services.

International missions
During international missions organized by In-Sec-M, the interaction between Canadian experts, researchers and industrialists and their international counterparts is particularly fruitful and makes it possible to extend cooperation beyond borders.
This international openness is essential, because it allows local perspectives to be compared and enriched with global approaches. Canadian researchers, industrialists and experts thus have the opportunity to share their work, their experiences and to draw inspiration from the practices and advances made in other countries. In addition, these international interactions often result in the establishment of joint projects, strategic partnerships, and exchange programs that help accelerate progress in the field of cybersecurity.
As a result of its international activities, In-Sec-M contributes to “elevating” cybersecurity among the priority sectors of collaboration with more and more countries.
Due to its international activities, In-Sec-M contributes to “elevating” cybersecurity among the priority sectors of collaboration with more and more countries.
Your initiatives
Thanks to its network of government partners, In-Sec-M can support innovation players in their search for financing or strategic partners internationally.