Contact Us


283 Boul. Alexandre-Taché Suite F3006,
Gatineau (Québec)
J9A 1L8


Need support?

You are victim of a cyber incident or simply looking for an expert to help you meet your needs in terms of cybersecurity services or solutions?

By completing this form, you will help us identify your specific cybersecurity needs as precisely as possible, allowing us to quickly put you in touch with an expert who can help you.

Support request

Share your expertise!

Every year, In-Sec-M mandates contracts and orders of all types to Canadian cybersecurity experts, from Vancouver to Halifax, based on criteria of competence, availability and proximity.

By completing this form, you will be listed on one of our DIRECTORIES OF EXPERTISE IN CYBERSECURITY, as well as our BANK OF SUPPLIERS/SUBCONTRACTORS.

Expertise questionnaire