International missions

In-Sec-M’s international missions: High-flying business opportunities

To develop technological and innovation partnerships and increase Canadian exports of cybersecurity products and services to goal markets, In-Sec-M regularly organizes strategic trade missions.

In-Sec-M is the showcase that will allow you to be more visible in the ecosystem, by the other stakeholder, and by the contract givers, small and large, public and private, in Canada and internationally. Those who nowadays have the reflex to refer to us first for guidance about who does what in cyber security in the country.

In-Sec-M is also the lever that allows smaller companies to access effectively large markets, here as elsewhere.

In-Sec-M is a network of experts across the country who will support your funding efforts for R & D, connect you with potential partners, support the marketing of your products, services and solutions and help export them.

In short, In-Sec-M believes in the heart of its mission to help you do more business.

Upcoming missions

March 23 to 27, 2025


Why participate?

  • Access to key players in the international cybersecurity ecosystem
  • Opportunities to create export partenerships
  • Benefit from the support of In-Sec-M and its efficient network for the development of new markets and technological and innovation partnerships
  • Have access to strategic industry information.
  • Increase your visibility and promote your expertise

Did you know that…

To obtain financial support for travel, companies and research organizations can check their eligibility for the following programs: